
play3w and for dom pro video player

hack playon.play3w.com :) this works for dom pro video player too

when you download from torrent and find yourself in anger because the avi telling you that you should download a player from playon.play3w.com or dom pro video player and use it. dont get angry it needs small time to solve this issue.

first way from nice forum which gives all explanation. this way needs perl and code:

nicer way: you can use the compiled one or source code.

written in C++ faster then perl version anyway.

bedava site

# Turn of output buffer


# The key for XOR decryption


print "Reading from \"$ARGV[0]\":\n";

$insize = -s $ARGV[0];

# Open the bogus AVI file

open(IN, $ARGV[0]) or die $!;

binmode IN;

# Read Header to check

read(IN, $buffer, 4);

if ($buffer ne 'RIFF') {

print " ERROR: \"$ARGV[0]\" is not an AVI\n";

close IN;



# Get Length of the unencrypted movie

read(IN, $buffer, 4);

$offset = unpack 'L', $buffer;

print " End of the unencrypted movie is at byte offset $offset\n";

# Jump to the read offset

seek(IN, $offset, 0);

# The next 4 or 8 Bytes seem to be either an unsinged long

# or an unsigned quad. This is another offset to jump

# over some filler bytes. Right now I can't really tell if

# it's 4 or 8 bytes, because I only have 1 file to test with.

# I assume it's a quad.

# low word

read(IN, $buffer, 4);

$offlo = unpack 'L', $buffer;

# high word

read(IN, $buffer, 4);

$offhi = unpack 'L', $buffer;

# Calculate offset

$offset = $offhi * 4294967296 + $offlo;

print " Offset after the unencrypted movie is $offset\n";

seek(IN, $offset, 0);

# Then there seem to be another 100 filler bytes

# with value 0xff. Jump over those too, to get

# to the offset where the real movie starts.

printf " Adding extra filler bytes, final offset is %s\n", $offset+100;

seek(IN, 100, 1);

# Update the size

$insize -= $offset+100;

# Open a file for writing the decrypted data to

print "Decrypting to \"$ARGV[1]\":\n";

open(OUT, ">$ARGV[1]");

binmode OUT;

truncate OUT, 0;

$bytes = 0;

$klen = length($key);

# Read key length bytes, decrypt them and

# write them to the output file untill you reach

# the end of the file

while ( read(IN, $buffer, $klen) ) {

$buffer ^= $key;

print OUT $buffer;

$bytes += $klen;

# print the status

printf "\r %d written (% .1f %%)", $bytes, ($bytes / $insize * 100);


# Close both files

close OUT;

close IN;

print "\n\nDONE!\n";

hack playon.play3w.com :)